Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rice Pudding Ice-Cream? Here's how!

The best thing about ice cream is how simple it is to make, and rice pudding is even easier. So combine the two and you can make rice-pudding ice cream really quick. To make your ice cream with rice pudding you can use literally any white rice you like, short grains are best- Aborio/Paela rices and even Jasmine work well. Alternatively you can just use a tin of rice pudding bought at any store to save even more time, skip ahead to the last step if you do! Take 100g of your chosen rice with 500ml of milk (whole milk works best) in a pan over a medium heat. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and scrape and add 1 vanilla pod or add whatever other flavouring you like. Combine and stir until the milk has been absorbed by the rice then turn off the heat and transfer to a plate or large bowl to cool. Use a potato masher or large wooden spoon to break and mush up the rice to the desired consistency (I like mine thick & chunky). Finally, lightly whip and add 500ml of double cream and mix evenly, then transfer everything to your freezer for just 4 hours. This stuff is thick & creamy and takes less effort than regular ice cream. Serve it with some strawberries, raspberries or blueberries for sharpness against your creamy luxurious vanilla rice pudding ice cream and you're good to serve!

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