Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to make Ice Cream Sandwhiches

In my searches on the web I've been finding more and more weird Ice Cream recipes recently. First fried ice cream, now the ice cream sandwhich. So first I'll explain just what the heck an ice cream sandwhich is, and then I'll show you how to make ice cream sandwhiches.

An Ice cream sandwich is rather deceptive because it's called a sandwhich, looks like a biscuit, and is actually a cake! It's a sort of hand-held light cake. It has a big slice of vanilla (or whatever flavor your like) ice cream between two slices of soft wafer and usually the wafer section is chocolate flavor.

Wikipedia says that the Ice Cream Sandwhich was made in New York around 1900. That goes hand in hand with the history of ice cream, much of which originated in that area. In Ireland and Scotland (where I hail from!) the ice cream sandwhich is known as a 'slider'. The wafer has been a popular alternative to the cone throughout history and if you think about it is really just a simpler version of the cone, enabling you to eat ice cream without getting too messy.

Anyway, now that you know just what it is, let's move on to how to make an ice cream sandwhich!

First off you need arout 2lbs of Ice Cream - If you don't know how to make ice cream yet, see some of our other tutorials.
Next you can simply sandwhich these between two store bought wafers- but that's horribly boring. Instead I suggest mixing nuts of your choice through the ice cream then making some chocolate brownies, rice crispie cakes or macaroon to replace your wafers. Anything that tastes good and is solid enough to hold the ice cream will do. You can be incredibly creative while learning how to make ice cream sandwhiches!

For extra flare you can use a cookie cutter to cut your ice cream sandwhiches into cute shapes. Here's an idea Valentines day raspberry ripple ice cream heart-shaped ice cream sandwhiches.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the best alternatives is the to make your own at home with an the ice cream maker. Ice-cream makers the aren't expensive and the are easy to get the hold of these days. They are also very simple to use the and it won't be long before you are the making some delicious ice cream the you'll enjoy a the lot.

ice cream maker