Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to make ice cream softer

How to make ice cream softer is a bit of a problem since usually when you make homemade ice cream it will come out hard and crystalized. Crystals are caused when the water in the ice cream is allowed to warm up (even slighty) and then refreeze. If, during the process of making your ice cream, you don't shake it enough, it'll for crystals. This will make the ice cream have a hard, grainy texture and will also detract from the taste slightly too. You can duplicate this by taking a scoop of ice cream out of the freezer into a bowl, let it melt, then pop it back. Take it out again and you'll see that most of the water has seperated from the fat and as such there are large ice crystals.

So, how to make ice cream softer? Luckily there are a number of methods and they're all pretty simple and straight forward. Here are just a few.

1. Replace the sugar.
Sugar doesn't freeze and as such it's important to get the quantity correct. Replacing the sugar in your recipe with honey or corn syrup will produce a softer, creamier ice cream.

2. Fat & Gelatin.
You can add gelatin (available from most supermarkets) to your recipe to produce smoother ice cream.
You can also up the amount of fat in your recipe by adding egg yolks, substituting cream for whole fat milk, etc.

3. Add alcohol.
While I personally don't like adding alcohol to my foods, even just a couple of tablespoons of a high proof alcohol can help your ice cream become much smoother. The reason, again, is that alcohol doesn't freeze (put some whisky in the freezer and you'll see).

4. Freezing the ice cream at a higher temperature will also help you make smoother ice cream. If you don't want to adjust the dial on your freezer, store it nearer the door (warmest part of your freezer).

How to make ice cream just right is a bit of a balancing act but by trying out a few of these different techniques you can get excellent results.

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pomegranate said...

Thanks for the advice - I will take that into account for my next batch

Anonymous said...

These machines are the larger machines but they already the have a freezing mechanism built into the them so there is no need to the pre-chill a bowl or place the anything into the freezer. You the simply turn then machine on; add then the mixture and your dessert will be ready in the approximately thirty minutes. There is no the preparation and you can make the another batch immediately after that the first batch is finished.

ice cream machines