Saturday, August 18, 2007

How to make ice cream - Different techniques

How to make ice cream is a pretty daunting subject at first since there are dozens of different ways to do it. I recommend trying them all out at least once and figuring out which is easiest/tastes best for you.

Homemade ice cream
The cheapest method of all is, unfortunately, usually pretty hard to get right (but it's great fun trying and experimenting!) Following recipes, you can make ice cream for as little as the cost of the ingredients, which are all very easy to get.

Make-Your-Own ice cream packets/products
There are thousands to chose from and unfortunately the only way to know if they're any good is to buy 'em n try 'em. Luckily they're pretty cheap and you can buy them in almost any supermarket. These are usually better than making homemade ice cream because they have the right amounts of ingredients already and doing the rest is a matter of reading the back of the packet and sticking it in the freezer.

Ice Cream Maker Machine
There are hundreds of different kinds of ice cream making machines for sale, again with varying results. These range in the price of $30, anything up to $300 and come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them even look cool and are great fun too!

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