Sunday, December 4, 2016

Here's a wonderful video from YouTuber Guava Juice on French Vanilla Ice Cream made using Milk and Vanilla Extract and kicking a ball around for a while. There are quite a few different brands of ice cream making balls and they're pretty much all based on the same concept- You pour water around the walls of a hollow ball and stick it in your freezer overnight, next you add your ice cream ingredients as you'd use to make regular ice cream and add rock salt to the OUTSIDE chamber which helps the ice and water become even colder. Then all you need to do is transfer the heat from the outside to the inside where all your ingredients are by waiting, and kicking the ball around just speeds up the process! They're a great fun activity and yes, they're limited and not as great as properly made freezer ice cream, but they're a great fun novelty and still get good results.

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